Caresheet Monstera Variegata

Caresheet Monstera Variegata

For all those who lost their MV caresheet and also for all of you who want to become a MV parent and want to be prepared, I am posting here the text of the caresheet:  Your Monstera Variegata like...
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Fertilizer & Nutrition – NPK

Fertilizer & Nutrition – NPK

All plants need nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium and you can provide that with a standard inorganic fertilizer. We generally recommend reducing the amount of synthetic fertilizer by 50% from usua...
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Root Airflow & Oxygen Circulation

Root Airflow & Oxygen Circulation

If your chosen potting media stays continuously moist for too long (say it doesn’t require water for 10-15 days or more), it may need more airflow or you’re risking the onset of the dreaded root ro...
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